About Armada

Armada was founded in 1981 and has since then organized a career fair that has grown to become one of the largest in scandinavia. We exist to connect students to their dream employer and have since come up with different events and happenings to create personal connections between students and employers.

Each year, Armada goes from 1 student, the Project Manager, to over 200 student volunteers managing a fair over two days, in several locations and 20 000 visitors. As Armada is fully owned by THS, the student union at KTH, any profit Armada makes goes back to the students, funding THS initiatives for a better student life.

Infographics guide

Each year, more than 200 students join Armada to make the fair happen! Every circle in the graphic represents one of our members.

  • Hosts
  • Operation team
  • Project group
  • Project manager


The Project Manager (PM) is elected by the THS board in november. The PM is working full time with Armada and is responsible for the entire project. They usually have been part of Armada before taking up this role.

Project group

The Project Group (PG) is chosen by the Project Manager in December/January. They then work with Armada the whole calendar year. These are students who dedicate around 10 hours per week to making each Armada the best fair yet. The PG really gets close learning to work together, get to try to shoulder big responsibilities in a supportive and collaborative environment and most of all, have really fun together. Everyone who’s been a PG knows, there is a before and an after Armada.

Operations team

The operations team are volunteers recruited in the spring, around April/May. They are Coordinators, responsible for a specific issue or process, Team Leaders, responsible for a team of Hosts and Developers, working with the Armada IT suite. Being an OT gives a good understanding of how Armada works within, and is the perfect first leadership experience. It is a lot of fun, and gives a lot of learning opportunities, for a medium amount of work.


The Hosts join Armada in the autumn, and being a Hosts is a special experience. Most hosts are career fair hosts, helping a couple of exhibitors to the fair and building the fair. You get to know your team, attend team buildings together and be a part of the Armada Grand Banquet - the most fancy party at KTH.

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